If you only see one Web site this year, see this one! Homestar Runner is a fun little guy. Go check out the site and click on "First Time Here." You don't know it yet, but you're going to love Strong Bad. You can read new Strong Bad E-mails every Monday. Look, it's funny. Just trust me on this.
I went to high school at Woodberry Forest School, a boarding school in Virginia.
IN OTHER NEWS... For a little while when I at DePauw, I was editor of our little newspaper The DePauw. Some friends of mine that worked for The DePauw started an online magazine called Slant. One of them now works for the New Yorker and the other works for the Wall Street Journal. They were way smarter than me. It was updated every once and a while, but now it seems to be dead. A moment of silence. Our rival school's newspaper was The Bachelor. It was run by a bunch of boys at Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana. No girls go to Wabash. It shows. I used to live in Virgina and a few of my friends went to the University of Virginia. One of them worked for their newspaper, The Cavalier Daily. Smart people like my friend Josh Kwan often go to Harvard. They have a slick newspaper called The Crimson. Their newspaper is so big that they even employ sweatshop labor in Asia. It's true! Some school newspapers belong to U-Wire which is sorta like the Associated Press for student journalists. You don't pay to be a member. But if you are a member then you can use their stories. Meanwhile, they can use your stories... and publish them in a Peterson's Guide spinoff book on which they make a handsome profit. None of this money is shared with the students who actually wrote the material in the book. It's true! One of the funniest sites on the Inter-net is The Onion. Columnist Herbert Kornfeld, a tru A.R. brotha, is my favorite. Represent! (And if you really like The Onion, maybe you should work there and play for Team Onion Softball. One could say that The Chicago Tribune is the Best in the Midwest. They would say it is the World's Greatest Newspaper. You be the judge, my friend. The Washington Post might just be my favorite newspaper. I still read The Style Invitational on Sunday's. I work at The San Jose Mercury News in California. If you want to look at some of today's font pages from around the country you can check out Ron Reason's Web site. NAME THAT TUNE I guess it isn't cool to like Dave Matthews Band now that they are popular. But they got started in Charlottesville, Virginia and even played at my high school my sophomore year. It's true! Eddie From Ohio is a folk band from Virginia that you've never head of. I have weird music tastes. A true Suthern band is Cravin' Mellon. You've never heard of them either. A guy that went to my high school is the lead singer in The Blue Dogs. They are also a real Suthern band. And unless you live in South Carolina, you've never heard of them either. You've probably heard of Jimmy Buffett. Yes, I like Jimmy Buffet. |