Some photos from the Indiana State Fair. (Choke on it, dial-up.)

Is it lama or llama?




This is some sort of chicken. I'm told.

Hot chicks.

They had an exhibit on famous front pages. (I'm serious.) Oddly, I'd never seen this one, but my friends,
this is how you play a good photo.

The fair would be better with beer. But ... you work with what you got. On to the food ...

Seriously, who doesn't love a corn dog?

Pork tent!

Grilling up some sausage.

Can't get enough corn dogs.

The number of items you could purchase deep-fried is staggering.

Ok, that might be enough corn dogs.

Orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.

Carmel ... corn ...
Carmel CANDY ... apples ... [sheesh]

Elephant ears!

You may see fun fair rides. I see hundreds of people banking their lives on the bolt-tightening abilities of a couple carnies.

Calling it a night.
Also, for those who care, we ran into Greta at the fairgrounds. She's got a 9-month-old kid. Yikes.