We did it, America! The Washington Post's craft brewing smackdown
"Beer Madness" has finally produced a winner: our beloved
Brooklyn Lager! Now, some might argue that "we" had nothing to do with it, as the winners of each round were determined by a pre-selected panel of judges. To them I say: Pish-tosh. Other haters and conspiracy theorists might suggest that Brooklyn had a cush run (defeating Coors, Sam Adams and Rolling Rock to get to the final round) while Yuengling and Shiner Bock were tragically forced to go head-to-head in the first round. To them I say: Poppycock! Brooklyn beer rocks.
If you need further proof, (Not that you do. It's beer! It's good!) design/newspaper nerds should take notice of these two factoids:
>> Brooklyn Brewery was started by a former AP reporter who was stationed in the Middle East. While living in Saudi Arabia (where you can't buy beer), the founder began brewing beer on his own. After moving back to New York, he soon realized that making beer was way better than journalism and started the brewery.
>> The brewery's handsome logo, styled after the old Brooklyn Dodgers logo, was designed by Milton Glaser, designer of the "I (heart) NY" logo.
Case closed. So grab a slice and raise a glass to one of the finest beers in America: Brooklyn Lager!
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