So Indiana's is switching to Daylight Savings Time this weekend and my fellow Hoosiers are acting like we are the first people in the history of time (ha! get it?) to have to set their clocks back.
How do I reset my VCR? Is my computer going to get all messed up? And what of the bank clocks downtown? What if they aren't reset until Monday?! WHAT THEN?!!
But it was all fun and games until I saw
this story in Thursday's Indianapolis Star. The story said that, since "spring forward" takes place at exactly 2 a.m., Indianapolis bars were going to have to close at 2 a.m. rather than 3 a.m. on Saturday to be in step with the law. Pleas from bar owners to the state government fell on deaf ears and a quarter of a million dollars in Final Four drinkin' revenue was in jeopardy of being lost.
However, in an amazing coincidence, the same day that the Star pointed out this bureaucratic insanity the Governor got on the horn to Indiana Excise Police and
issued a reprieve.
It's days like this that I'm proud to work for a newspaper. At 2:01 a.m. this weekend, let's all hoist a glass to the Indy Star.
A LITTLE LATE: Best holiday beer?
Harpoon Winter Warmer. It's dark and spicy with hints of nutmeg and cinnamon. It's so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.
WHAT I DON'T RECOMMEND PICKING UP: Coca-Cola BlaK, which, from what I can tell, is carbonated coffee. "Find your muse. Find higher ground. Find your BlaK."
Yikes. Find me a new marketing department.
IT'S MARCH 31: And, according to Jay Mariotti, the Cubs season
is already over.
FOR A GOOD TIME VISIT: Bad Design Kills and
Advertising/Design Goodness
FINAL-UM-SAL: In case you missed it, Sal posted an
Ode to Mission Ale House on his Merc blog.
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