Don't know if you caught
Gov. Schwarzenegger on Meet The Press this morning, but he had some choice quotes. Among them:
"It kills me every time when I hear that one of our officers or someone from the military or National Guard dies over there."
I'm guessing he meant that it kills him in the figurative sense. Not, you know, in the "actually dying" sense. Also:
"It’s always easy when you want to attack the president, to go and say, you know, he made a mistake, he shouldn’t have done this, look at the problems we have now, let’s get out, let’s pull out and all this. You can’t just pull out of the situation, you know. So I think it’s a difficult situation to be in. It’s no different than, you know, the Vietnam War or the Korean War, any of those things we’re always in, and you try to get out but you can’t."
It's no different from Vietnam or any of those things we're always in? Arnold. Baby. How long have you been in politics now? I'm sorry, but I gotta say it: C'MON!
SPEAKING OF: Have any other political geeks out there noticed that, while MSN's online video clips are designed only to work with Windows PCs using Windows Media, the
newly de-Microsoft'd MSNBC now has both Meet The Press and NBC Nightly News available as iPod-friendly QuickTime downloads? It's possible this is only for Mac users, as pulling up a MTP Netcast in Windows yields a Windows Media stream, but I'm guessing a couple of Windows-using iPod owners may soon clamor for QuickTime compatibility as well.
That might be the nerdiest paragraph I have ever written.
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