T-Ball and I took a field trip to Greencastle the other day to get a GCB before he heads back to California. It's weird because I never found it odd if DePauw people were in California... but this just seemed surreal.
CHECKMATE: So I got my first wedding invitation for 2006 yesterday. Over the past few years I've come back to Indiana almost every summer to attend weddings, so this time I have the upper-hand as I'm already living here. It makes sense then that ... the wedding is in San Francisco. *sigh*
NOT. SO. SMART.: So public schools in Richmond, Virginia bought a bunch of iBooks for their students. That was four years ago. This week they tried to unload them. Now, if you were going to sell a 4-year-old laptop, how much would you charge? $200? $300? Because the school district went with $50. Chaos ensued. People were hospitalized.
I'm not making this up.
In an unrelated note, $350 iBooks are suddenly available on eBay.
MEANWHILE: Businesses in the Detroit area now have another
advertising opportunity in the Free Press.
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